Author: melissa

  • Raise your hand if you want to be an American martyr?

    Raise your hand if you want to be an American martyr?

    I was watching a TV show the other night where a mom had been kidnapped. The kidnappers wanted information from her and they were torturing her to get it. It struck in my mind the analogy to Christians who are tortured for their faith either in the past, like in the Bible, or presently in…

  • Who made you?

    Who made you?

    Sometimes it is difficult to know exactly what Case understands and what he doesn’t. But tonight, I wanted to catch his full eyes and see if he could really intake and comprehend that I love him and that God loves him. And then, I said “Case, who made you?” He smiled and clapped and yelled,…

  • The blessings of late nights

    The blessings of late nights

    I had planned a thoughtful post, filled with the revelations I’ve been seeing lately, but to be honest, I am tired. I sit here after midnight, which is not unusual, looking at piles of paper for IEP meetings, taxes, e-mails and calls to be returned, paperwork for doctors to sign, and Case’s infusion and neurosurgery…

  • The fabric of our lives … is not cotton

    The fabric of our lives … is not cotton

    I had decided that I had enough friends. We were preparing to move to a small town in Ohio, for only a year mind you, and I was content that I didn’t need to make any new friends. I had great friends from college and from growing up and I was content. But I guess…

  • Just another lullaby

    Just another lullaby

    I don’t pretend to be a great writer. I write because it is my journal and my release, and I write publicly because I hope that somehow anything or something I say might resonate with even one single person. But sometimes I don’t really bare it all, those deepest feelings of pain and fear, sometimes…

  • Who is that crazy lady?

    Who is that crazy lady?

    Someone might see me at times and think, “Just who is that crazy lady?” It might be when I’m singing the Barney song and adding my own little dance or when I’m pulling the imaginary horn in a chair choo-choo on the hospital stage. I’m the crazy lady who’s learning to live it like I…

  • Omniscient Grace

    Omniscient Grace

    Sometimes we learn amazing lessons about God from our children. Unconditional love. Instant forgiveness. Pure joy. But sometimes God uses our own words to our children to teach us. We have a baby monitor to hear our kids at night. All three of our boys share a room and it lets us hear the fights and…

  • Who am I? I am…

    Who am I? I am…

    Who am I? I’ve always had many answers for that question. At different points in my life and in different conversations, I would have said: I am … a perfectionist. I am … a lawyer. I am … an organized person. I am … a runner. I am … a cleaner. I am … an…

  • Getting nothing done?

    Getting nothing done?

    I often lie in bed at night and either think to myself or say aloud to my husband “I got absolutely nothing done today.” It is usually because something unexpected happened – a snow day, one of the kids is sick, several phone calls from case workers or insurance problems. I have a list. I…

  • I’ll take Blessed, with a side of MPS

    I’ll take Blessed, with a side of MPS

    I often say that I wouldn’t wish MPS on anyone else. The heartache, the initial despair, the sorrow that somehow something you did brought this horror on your family, the gut wrenching sobbing that makes you throw up before you ever get a normal breath back. No. Of course I wouldn’t wish that on anyone.…